Deep Dive to the depths of Hell...

Aha nearly 70 hits in a week !

So as promised earlier I will write about Jovan’s second book in this post....
‘Dancing with the Avatar’...

If you are asking me to talk about this book in a sentence...mmm... well I would recommend you to read ‘Chasing the Avatar’ first...and if you have already read it...then this book will exceed your expectations for sure !

Maya dreamt of a successful spiritual life and started her life in India being a devotee of the Avatar ‘Cha Ma’. With first book Jovan shared her voyage and transition from Dreams to Nightmares, where as this book gives clear picture of her damned and pathetic life in depths of darkness...

The last part of the first book will wake up the inquisitiveness in reader to know more about her and to know how is she gonna survive ! So for all those who are expecting a sudden dramatic change from the miserable life will become desperate initially with Jovan’s way of narration.... 
 My dear fellows this is not some relic hunting Hollywood movie plot for such great twists and escapes !!  This is an autobiographical novel. I hope she has tried level best to limit exaggerations and not to fictionize her whole novel !

Those who don’t have much patience may feel that some portions are a bit slow n dragging....
But that’s quite natural in novel sequel which explains every experience in detail...

The pain and distress which Maya suffers as she sinks into the pitch dark life will anchor in every reader’s heart for sure... Jovan has explained everything in detail and the reading experience will take you to India virtually...

Avatar’s rituals gave her more stress and ill health ..
Mean while back in US her parents prays to Christ for shielding their daughter...
In deed the whole book is based on the power and effects of prayers straight from heart ! You’ll move closer to Christ if you finish reading this book.

Ah and also to glue more readers with the book Jovan has added a bit of romance with her usual flavours...Maya and Narayan falls for each other in midst of all these miserable conditions...
Strange huh !?
But I assure that you won’t get disappointed because of the unexpected way of romance narration....

The way in which novel ends will disturb you.........because you will be forced to wait for her next book to be out, to know what happened to Maya ultimately !  :D
Yeah the Saga continues...

With lots of love n regards,
       Lone Warrior
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